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The Preposition: Examples and Rules



A preposition is a word that relates nouns or pronouns to other words in a sentence. There are many different types of prepositions, but most English sentences use only four: for, at, in, and to. Prepositions can also be adjectives or adverbs (i.e., words that describe other words).

They show the relationship between nouns and verbs, objects and actions, places and directions, etc. There are more than 100 prepositions in the English language but they all have similar functions.

Prepositions vs. Nouns

A preposition is a word that relates nouns or pronouns to other words in a sentence. The most common prepositions are “to,” “for,” and “of.”

When you use a preposition, it tells you what kind of relationship the word following it has with another word in the sentence:

  • To describe something moving towards another thing or person (e.g., “I go to school every day”).
  • For describes something that does not move but stays still for some time (e.g., “He studies for hours before exams”).
  • Of describes something which belongs to someone else; when talking about yourself, use with instead of from (e.g., “As soon as I get back from vacation…”).

Examples of Preposition

Prepositions are used to show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence. They are also used to indicate location, the direction of movement, time, and manner.

The following is an example: “The house is on my street.” In this case, “street” would be translated as “called” (street) by a Spanish-speaking person who knows how to use prepositions properly.

Another example: “I’m going to the store.” In this sentence, “I” is a preposition because it connects “going” to what you’re doing in the other part of your sentence (the rest of your plan).

The words before and after a preposition show where things are happening within something else—like how we’re going from one place to another or how we’re talking about two different people or places at once by using both pronouns (“we”) and singular nouns (“my house”).

  • I live in the house next door.
  • She goes shopping at the mall every Thursday afternoon.
  • He stood up to see what was going on.

Rules and examples

The preposition is a word that shows the location of something or someone or the time or manner in which something happens.

For example, “in” means “in.” It can be used with nouns and pronouns to form prepositional phrases (like “at home”).

When you’re learning some new words, it’s good practice to read them out loud until you understand their meaning—and then write them down so they’ll stick in your brain! This helps because when you hear something again later on in life, it might not be so easy to remember what exactly went with what else at first glance.

There are more than 100 Prepositions in the English language.

In English, there are more than 100 prepositions. Prepositions are words that describe where something is located, such as “in,” “under,” and “between.” They also have other functions in sentences; for example, the word “under” can be used with verbs to indicate that you’re hiding something from someone else or that you’re going somewhere underground (like an elevator).

Common Preposition List

The list of prepositions is long, but reading and writing will help you learn them all! The following are some common prepositions:

  • beside – on the side of something else; “the boy sat beside his mother”
  • beneath – under something else; “the dog jumped underneath the table”
  • before – in front of something else; “before he left home he wrote a letter to his family”.
  • behind – after or past another thing or person; “he was behind us when we arrived at school”.
  • between two things or persons (as if between two people); “he stood between us and hurt him.”


I hope this article will help you find the right preposition when writing a sentence. The list is long, but with practice, reading and writing more sentences using these different prepositions will help you learn them all!