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What Is a Mass Noun? Examples and Rules


A mass noun is a type of noun that refers to a non-countable entity. This means that the noun cannot be pluralized and does not have a definite or indefinite article associated with it. In contrast, a countable noun is a type of noun that refers to a countable entity.


A mass noun, (also called a non-count noun) is a noun that refers to something that can’t be counted. For example, you can’t count “milk” or “sand.” Mass nouns are usually things that are too small to be counted individually or that exist in a continuous mass or liquid form.

Most mass nouns are uncountable in both American and British English. However, there are some exceptions. For example, the word “furniture” is uncountable in British English but countable in American English.

When using a mass noun, you always use a singular verb. For example, you would say “This furniture is very comfortable”.

What Is a Mass Noun?

Mass nouns refer to substances or a concept without being able to distinguish between individual objects. For example, “milk” is a mass noun because you cannot have one milk, two milks, or three milks – you can only have “milk”. This can be contrasted with countable nouns, which refer to individual objects that can be counted (e.g. one book, two books, three books).

While “milk” is a mass noun in English, it is actually a countable noun in other languages (e.g. Spanish: Leche). This is because different languages have different rules for what counts as a mass noun. In general, though, mass

The Types of Mass Nouns

There are three types of mass nouns:

  1. Abstract Mass Nouns
  2. Collective Mass Nouns
  3. Concrete Mass Nouns

Abstract Mass Nouns

A mass noun, also known as a non-count noun, refers to a substance or concept that can’t be divided into separate units. Mass nouns are always singular and are usually abstract. For example, the word “information” is a mass noun because it can’t be divided into smaller pieces.

Abstract mass nouns are a type of mass nouns that refer to intangible concepts. They’re often used to describe emotions, ideas, or states of being. For example, the word “happiness” is an abstract mass noun because it’s a feeling that can’t be divided into smaller pieces.

When deciding whether or not a word is a mass noun, ask yourself if it’s a substance or concept that can be divided

Collective Mass Nouns

A collective mass noun is a type of noun that refers to a group of something. For example, “team” is a collective mass noun because it refers to a group of people. “Family” is another example of a collective mass noun.

Collective mass nouns are usually singular in form, even though they refer to a group of things. For example, you would say “my team is the best” even though there are multiple people on the team. You can use a plural verb with a collective mass noun if you are referring to the members of the group individually. For example, you could say “my family is all doctors” if you are referring to each individual member of your family.

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Concrete Mass Nouns

When discussing mass nouns, it is important to first understand what they are. A mass noun is a type of noun that refers to an entity that can not be individually counted. For example, “water” is a mass noun because you can not count how many water molecules there are in a glass of water. Mass nouns are also sometimes called non-count nouns.

There are two main types of mass nouns: abstract and concrete. Abstract mass nouns refer to concepts or ideas that can not be physically experienced. For example, the word “love” is an abstract mass noun. You can not see, touch, or taste love, so it can not be counted.


A mass noun is a type of noun that refers to a substance, concept, or entity that cannot be divided into individual parts.
A mass noun is a type of noun that refers to a substance, concept, or entity that cannot be divided into individual parts. This guide will explain what a mass noun is, how to use them, and when to use them. A mass noun is usually used when referring to something that is uncountable or something that is considered to be a whole. For example, you would use a mass noun when referring to water, air, sand, etc. To use a mass noun, you would simply use the noun in its singular form without any articles or adjectives. For example, “I need some water.”