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Excess vs Access: What’s the Difference?


Excess vs Access – what’s the difference? Excess is having too much of something, while access is having the ability to get to something. When we think of excess, we usually think of something that’s more than what is needed and available. For example, if you have a lot of books and nothing to read, you might call this an “excess book collection.” However, the word “excess” can also be used to describe a situation where there is more than enough—but not all that much!


Access is a term that’s used to describe the ability to use something. It can be physical or virtual (i.e., cloud-based). It can be temporary or permanent, and it can be granted or denied by a person or system.

If you need access to something that isn’t already being used, such as an office space with no one currently occupying it, then you want to make sure that your application doesn’t interfere with anyone else’s plans for the space before granting access.

On the other hand, if someone else needs access at some point in time but isn’t available right now—say they’re on vacation—you might want them granted temporary access so they don’t feel like they’re intruding on someone else’s plans when there’s no other option available right now anyway!

Examples of Access

  1. She reached a door finally and typed in the access code.
  2. He has direct access to you and the most to gain.
  3. I recently attained access to this database that the company’s owner uses.
  4. You will have access to any equipment you need from any empire.
  5. You can access additional details and purchase the e-book here.


The term “excess” refers to having more than what is needed, available, or available to others.

  • Excess can be used in any context where you’re referring to something that’s above the standard amount of a given item. For example:
  • I had too much food because I was having friends over for dinner. (more than what was required)
  • My car got stolen because there were too many people in my neighborhood at once. (more than what was available).

Examples of Excess

  1. Great for oily skin – really sucks up excess oils.
  2. Between them, they have raised in excess of $ 600.
  3. Then trim off the excess pastry from the top.
  4. Some slings actually have excess material to cover baby!
  5. Today these stores do not just simply sell surplus or excess inventory.

Excess vs Access: The Difference in Meaning

The word “Excess” means more than what is needed and available, while access means permission to use something or the ability to obtain something.

Excess is about having more than you need—whether it’s money in your bank account, food in your fridge, or clothes on your body. The same can be said for access: if you’re allowed to use something (like a car), then that’s also excess; however if someone gives you permission just so they don’t have to do it themselves (like letting me borrow their car sometimes), then this isn’t excess since there’s no cost involved with my using their vehicle.

Learn More Too vs To ⏩


We hope this article has helped you understand the difference between excess and access. Remember, in most cases, the excess is bad while access is good! So, try to keep excess at bay while always doing your best to provide access to everyone who needs it.